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St Mary's Star of the Sea

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Traffic Disruption Thursday 19th and Friday 20th January- no access to school by car

17th January 2023

Dear Parents and Guardians, as part of the on-going work in the housing development adjacent to our school I need to update you about some possible disruptions on Thursday and Friday of this week. Contractors will be resurfacing the roads in the development, because of this access to school by car will be impossible. This will have the following implications for us: 1. All cars will need to drop off and park in the Metropolitan car park. 2. Parents will need to walk children around to the pathway where they will be met by myself and other teachers. 3. Parents of Primary 1 children will need to walk up the hill with their child but cannot drive. 4. If you need to collect a child early on these days you must collect on foot and cannot drive into school grounds. 5. Please park on the Metropolitan car park side of the school when dropping off children. Thank you for your continued support.

Gerard Barrett Principal.
